South Australia Passes Voluntary Assisted Dying

South Australia has become the fourth Australian state to legislate Voluntary Assisted Dying after passing legislation in June 2021. 

The Bill, which is based on Victoria's legislation and has 68 safeguards, is expected to come into effect in 18 months.

Provisions in the Bill include:

  • People wishing to use VAD must be SA residents for at least 12 months.
  • A person must be experiencing intolerable suffering and confirmed to have a terminal diagnosis and a life expectancy of less than six months, or 12 months for a neurodegenerative disease, to access VAD.
  • People must have decision-making capacity and be capable of informed consent.
  • People must have their request for VAD verified by two independent witnesses and 

Help make Queensland next:

Click here to donate now and support the Voluntary Assisted Dying campaign

Click here to write to your MP and ask them to support the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill

Click here to buy A Beautiful Sunset by Everald Compton to help support the campaign
