About us

Dying With Dignity Queensland Inc (DWDQ) is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation. It was formed on the Sunshine Coast in 1995 and was originally known as the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Qld Inc (VESQ). It was renamed Dying With Dignity Queensland Incorporated in 2013. After almost 30+ years of campaigning, Voluntary Assisted Dying became legal in Queensland in September, 2021. 

DWDQ aims to ensure the successful and careful implementation of Queensland's Voluntary Assisted Dying Act, and continues to engage the community, MPs and others on matters important to choice at the end of life. This includes ongoing campaigning in support of Voluntary Assisted Dying and potential reviews to Queensland's laws in the future.


DWDQ COMMITTEE 2023 - 2024

President: Jos Hall - Prior to retiring, she was a registered nurse with 48 years experience

Vice President: Jeanette Wiley - Jeanette is a retired palliative care nurse who trained at the Royal Brisbane Hospital and worked in England and New Zealand.  Prior to retiring she worked in Brisbane at Mt Olivet (now St Vincent's) Hospital and in aged care.

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Phyllis Wagner - Retired high school business teacher. Retired DWDQ secretary.

Committee Member: Anyse Horman - Anyse was previously treasurer for 15 years. She has an Advanced Diploma of Business Accounting and is a retired owner and manager of small businesses.

Committee Member: Lynn Robson - Lynn has teaching and counselling qualifications and has worked with migrants and Indigenous people in FNQ. She has been a Lifeline Crisis Counsellor pre and post retirement.

Committee Member: Cynthia Workman - Cynthia has been, and continues to be, an active working member of the Bundaberg/Burnett Electorates DWDQ Team.  As a retiree Cynthia has worked in various customer related positions.  She enjoys her gardening, doing volunteer work at Nardoo garden, and loves spending time with her two dogs!

Committee Member: Colin Hylton - Colin's varied work experience includes teaching and training at a tertiary level. He is involved in organising and delivering public education sessions around Queensland's VAD laws, to ensure that everyone is aware of the end-of-life choices available to best suit their circumstances.
