1 January 2023 is the earliest date that you can make a request for Voluntary Assisted Dying in Queensland. But there are ways you can help to prepare.
DWDQ is aware that many of our members are dealing with a terminal illness, or caring for some-one in their family. Many have been waiting patiently for the advent of VAD, or want to know more, even if they are not sure how they will eventually decide.
The VAD Navigation teams in other States have all stressed that it helps to prepare. Often, they say, precious time is lost looking for documents and arranging certified copies.
You can help by making sure you’ve got certain documents:
- Information about your diagnosis: copies of scans, specialists’ reports, your AHD (Advance Health Directive) if you have one
- Proof that you meet the residency requirements: e.g. birth certificate, permanent residency visa, Australian citizenship certificate
- Proof that you meet Queensland residency requirements: e.g. a power or rates bill
- Your Will and Power of Attorney documents if you have any
- Contact details of the person you’d like to nominate as your “contact person” for the VAD process: a family member or friend who can help co-ordinate arrangements and act as a point of contact for the VAD Review Board
The A-Z of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Queensland
From this week, factsheets about the VAD process in Queensland are on the QLD Government website.
Here is all you and your family need to know about accessing VAD:
- eligibility/making a 1st request
- information for your health care providers
- if you are ineligible/seeking a review
- if your services don’t provide VAD
- information for your family and carers
More information will be added as it becomes available.
Our January update will outline these new resources in more detail.
The QVAD-SUPPORT SERVICE is there as your first point of contact to help steer you through the entire process. They will help you access VAD providers, travel help, and the VAD legal substance if you are eligible and choose to use it.
They will advise you about supports if you are not eligible for VAD, help support your friends and family. Their skilled, knowledgeable team are ready to be contacted from January 2023.
Ph. 1800 431 371 after 1 January 2023
Email: [email protected] (live now)
Support Dignity This Christmas
While VAD will be legal from 1 January 2023, there are still many challenges remaining for Queensland. Issues such as regional access to VAD, telehealth support, specialist uptake and future reviews mean we must remain strong to support your interests and the security of Queensland's VAD legislation into the future.
If you can, please make a tax-deductible donation to DWDQ this Christmas by following this link or clicking on the image below. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Interstate news
The NT and ACT now have the right to make legislation on a number of issues, including voluntary assisted dying. The “Restoring Territory Rights” bill was finally passed in the Senate on 1 December. The NT is where VAD began world-wide, where Bob Dent was the first person to access the new law back in 1995.