NSW Holds 3 Month Inquiry on Voluntary Assisted Dying

Via Go Gentle Australia:

“The Upper House of NSW Parliament is now holding a three month inquiry on VAD. Submissions can be made speaking to the “provisions of the bill” – i.e. how it would operate, not whether VAD in itself in something you support.
Our goal is to flood this inquiry with supportive submissions. Would you please be willing to write one? It does not need to be long at all. Please click here.

On that page, follow 'to lodge a submission, click here'. You can then choose if you are submitting on behalf on an organisation or as an individual.  There is also an online survey, but that is really intended to NSW residents only.

Deadline is Monday 22 November.

More information on the bill lives here: Voluntary Assisted Dying Consultation Update - Alex Greenwich, including a draft of the NSW bill as well as a flow-chart of the process."
