Voluntary Assisted Dying Act

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 was passed in Queensland Parliament in September 2021. Currently, it is undergoing an implementation period and is scheduled for operation from 1 January 2023. 

The VAD Act allows for eligible Queensland residents to seek Voluntary Assisted Dying in circumstances relating to terminal illness and intolerable suffering. As per Queensland Health, 'The Act sets out a legal process for people who are suffering and dying from an advanced and progressive life-limiting condition the right to choose the timing and circumstances of their death.'

More information is available on this VAD Queensland Health page.

Read the VAD Act here.


End of Life and Advance Care

End of Life and Advance Care planning are important aspects to managing health. Advance Care Planning Australia provides resources for people learning about advance care or wanting to prepare themselves for the future. This includes support for creating your own advance health plan.

Our Supporters

Doctors for Assisted Dying Choice

The Clem Jones Group

Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Assisted Dying

Go Gentle Australia


A legal framework for voluntary assisted dying in Queensland (4 page summary)

Voluntary Assisted Dying Draft Bill 2021

Queensland Law Reform Commission Report No. 79 (2021) A legal framework for
Voluntary Assisted Dying Report (Summary, 62 pages)

Queensland Law Reform Commission Report No. 79 (2021) A legal framework for
Voluntary Assisted Dying (Full Report, 888 pages)

Queensland Parliamentary Paper No. 5 – 56th Parliament (2020) Summary of the findings and recommendations from Report No. 34 on Voluntary Assisted Dying

Queensland Parliamentary Report No. 34 – 56th Parliament (2020) Voluntary Assisted Dying

Queensland Parliamentary Paper No. 4 – 56th Parliament (2020) Summary of the findings and recommendations from report No. 33 on aged care, end-of-life and palliative care

Queensland Parliamentary Report No. 33 – 56th Parliament (2020) Aged Care, End of Life and Palliative Care

My Life My Choice 2020 Queensland State Election Report


American Association of Suicidology (2017) “Suicide is not the same as ‘Physician aid in dying’”


Dying with Dignity Canada - Resources for Clinicians
